Best first Food for Bub!

Best first Food for Bub!

Just like every other part of parenting… what works for some, may not work for others and this is certainly true when it comes to the starting solids journey. If you’re not sure where to begin, in this blog, we’ve pulled together our top first foods for bub.


Whether you are starting with purees, transitioning to finger foods or trying the baby-lead weaning approach our first hot tip is ensuring bub is served food iron-rich and nutrient dense. Our purees are made fresh with whole foods and expertly curated to support the development and healthy habits for life. So when you are ready to give solids a go, why not check out our range to start you off on your journey? 

Signs your baby is ready to start

Up until 6 months of age, your baby needs only breast milk or infant formula to grow and develop. At around 6 months your baby will begin to require additional nutrients that food provides particularly iron and zinc.(1) So when do you know when baby is ready to start solids? 

  • They are able to sit upright when supported, with good control of their head. 
  • They are wanting to put things in their mouths
  • They are interested in the food that others are eating
  • They have an increased appetite and require more frequent feeding.

Learning to eat is a gradual process and something that is not to be forced. It is all about babies discovering new tastes and new textures as well as learning how to swallow properly. Breast milk or formula is still the most important part of the baby’s diet so do not fret about how much solids are being eaten. At this stage, solid foods are to give your baby different ‘tastes’. 

What to consider when selecting bub’s first food? 

Babies have specific nutritional needs and it is important that the foods you select not only provide the nutrition that bub requires but also starts to build the foundations for healthy eating for life. The foods listed below feature a range of nutrients that are essential for supporting a baby’s growth and development. 


  • It is a popular first food due to its ease of use. But it is also nutrient dense and rich in vitamin B6, folate, vitamin E, potassium and vitamin C. 
  • Avocado is a great source of unsaturated fat needed for babies' brain development. 

Try out our Zucchini, Pear and Pea which is blended with avocado oil. 


  • This is every mother’s superfood. Throw one in your bag for those emergencies when you cannot keep to bubs schedule. 
  • Bananas are an excellent source of carbohydrates, the body’s and brain’s preferred energy source. They are filled with B vitamins, as well as vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and manganese, all essential nutrients that help with metabolism, immune function, bone health, and muscle and nerve function. 
  • Bananas are high in pectin. Pectin helps manage blood sugars, improves digestion and feeds the good bacteria in the gut. 

Bub will love our Banana, Pumpkin and Carrot puree or start the day off with Banana, Strawberry and Chia seeds. 


  • Broccoli is a popular first food, and for a good reason! It is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K and folate. It is also a great source of manganese and magnesium as well as containing iron, calcium and phosphorus. 
  • These nutrients encourage immune health, proper growth and development, and they promote strong bones. 

They will be licking their bowls with our Poached Chicken Medley and Broccoli, Apple and Quinoa Puree

Butternut squash

  • Butternut squash is excellent for the immune system and eyes, thanks to vitamin C and beta-carotene that convert to vitamin A. Beta-carotene also gives butternut squash its rich orange-yellow colours. 
  • It is also another good source of manganese, magnesium and calcium, all of which help promote good bone health.

Try out our Pumpkin, Apple and Carrot Puree

Chicken Liver

  • Chicken liver may not be the first choice for you, but it is an excellent first food for babies. It is rich in crucial nutrients for growing babies.  
  • Chicken liver has iron (blood health), zinc (immune health), copper (brain development, energy production) and choline (brain health). It is also great for vitamin A, which promotes eye health. Along with phosphorus and manganese for the development of strong bones. And to round out why it is truly nutrient dense it also has selenium that helps develop thyroid health.

You may cringe but trust us bub will devour our Chicken Liver and roasted veggies. 

Green peas

  • Both a carbohydrate and a protein they are packed with nutrients that are good for the immune system, bones, brain and cells: B vitamins, vitamins C and K, manganese, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and zinc. 

With our purees, the fear of choking is managed for you as we do the hard work. Try out our Slow cooked beef or Zucchini pear and peas where typically the bowl is licked clean. 


  • Lentils are a plant-based protein, as well as a carbohydrate. 
  • They are high in fiber, which promotes bowel regularity and are also rich in nutrients like iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and copper, all of which are important for babies’ growth and development. 

Our Spinach, red lentil and carrot blend or our Roasted Chickena nd Thyme is the perfect dinner dish for your little one. 

A Varied diet is the right combination. 

While this list includes some of our favourite first foods for babies, there are many more to explore. Offering a variety of foods is recommended. Different foods offer different nutrients, tastes and different textures. These are all important to help get your baby on a path to becoming a happy eater in the future! This is where Le puree takes the stress out of the first food's journey providing you with a varied diet for your baby where you can even choose the texture range to ensure your little one is getting the very best 1000 days start.



Our Top Puree's for Bub

Our customers favourites
  • Beef & Buckwheat
    Beef & Buckwheat
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    Lock this loaded beef and buckwheat blend in your bub’s diet! An nutritious and fragrant blend of beef, buckwheat, slow cooked bone broth, and roasted sweet potato, this bowl is typically licked clean! This blend supports vision, bone and normal growth and development.

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  • Lamb & Zucchini
    Lamb & Zucchini
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    This savoury lamb roast is a recipe that deserves a five-spoon rating!  Iron, protein, Vitamin A, and more, this blend checks all the boxes. Full of flavour and nutrients, boost your bub's daily iron intake with this blend!

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    • Oats Apple Chia Porridge
      Oats Apple Chia Porridge
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      This apple cinnamon oat porridge is full of flavour and full of nutrients! Packed with fiber and potassium, this blend supports Bub's digestion and muscle development. It’s the perfect way to start the day!

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    • PB & Raspberry
      PB & Raspberry PB & Raspberry PB & Raspberry
      PB & Raspberry
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      Introducing our Peanut Butter & Jelly (Raspberry) puree — a nutrient-packed blend of raspberries, peanuts, chia seeds, and more! It's a wholesome twist on a classic favorite, made just for your little one. Reminder, this product was made with love & PEANUTS.

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