Starting Solids Tips For Puree Feeding

Starting Solids Tips For Puree Feeding

Written By: Mandy Adno, Paediatric Feeding Specialist

When it comes to milestones, starting solids may be one of the most exciting! Watching your baby’s reaction to something completely new and different in their mouth may be one of the most memorable experiences. Here are a few tips to help make your journey more pleasurable.

The following tips and tricks relate to babies who are starting solids on purees, rather than those starting with Baby Led Weaning.

Tip #1

When it comes to puree consistency, start very smooth, with a honey-like consistency. Starting too thick or with too much texture can make it more difficult for your baby to manipulate in their mouth.

Le Puree offers 3 different textures in their puree range, starting with a Stage 1 • Smooth - which is perfect for starting solids.

Tip #2

When first offering puree, your baby’s reactions to solids may not be what you expect. They may pull a face, gag, cry and spit it out. It may seem as though your baby doesn’t like the food and many parents will delay the next meal for a few days thinking their baby isn’t ready. Some parents read these behaviours as their baby doesn’t like whatever food it was and tend to not give it again.

The reality is that all these experiences are new for your baby. Prior to starting solids, they had only experienced a breast or a bottle and formula or breastmilk in their mouth. With solids they have now experienced a spoon, a new taste and a new texture; which can be overwhelming for your little one!

The key here, is to keep offering purées and don’t take it as they don’t like a food, just keep that food on rotation so that they have multiple opportunities to learn about the food.

Le Puree has an amazing range of purees featuring all sorts of vibrant wholefoods and flavours. These are great for starting exposure to different tastes and textures from day one.

Tip #3

When choosing a spoon, the majority of spoons on the market have a very large and deep bowl. When starting, ensure you are using a small spoon with a flat bowl. When first starting solids, their mouths are very small, and they don’t have the ability to close their lips around the spoon making it hard for them to get the puree off the spoon. Ensuring the spoon is small and flat will help them develop lip closure and will enable the spoon to fit in their mouth.

Tip #4

When feeding, try not to scrape the puree off the spoon using your baby’s top gums/lips. This encourages them to tongue thrust as the puree gets stuck on their palate/gums. Instead, try gently pushing down on their tongue with the spoon. This will encourage them to close their lips around the spoon and decrease the amount that they are tongue thrusting.

Tip #5

The key to successful feeding is responsive feeding, meaning that your job is to read your baby’s signs. Try not to focus on the volume or number of spoonfuls that they have eaten; as this can result in over or under feeding your baby. While your baby is showing interest and opening their mouth for the spoon, continue to feed them. Once they start turning their head away, not opening for the spoon or attempting to bat the spoon away, stop feeding. 


In some medical cases parents are advised differently and, in these instances, it’s essential to follow medical advice.

The most important thing to remember is to try and relax and have fun with this! The more you enjoy the process, the more successful feeding your baby will be- as they are watching your face, whether it’s happy or concerned. 

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