Written by: Jess Rosenberg | Founder of Moode

The future health and wellbeing of our children can be influenced before their conception even occurs.
Premium prenatal vitamin brand, and fertility experts at moode talk us through why nutritional choices matter during preconception, throughout pregnancy and well into the first few years of your child’s life.
We know nutrient dense meals for our babies and toddlers supports their overall health and wellbeing, development and growth. But did you know we can support this development before their conception even occurs? A 2017 study revealed 'women who take a multivitamin in pregnancy could boost their child's intelligence by the equivalent of a whole school year'. So knowing what to feed ourselves, before we plan their first solids, is an education worth investing in.
The importance of good nutrition in the first 1000 days
This critical period of child development spans conception through to the time our children turn 2. A time of both great possibility and fragility- it’s the most rapid period of brain development and growth. Parents-to-be should begin their nutritional support 3+ months before trying for a baby, as we can influence the quality of both egg and sperm health even before conceiving. From pregnancy diets, to prenatal vitamins, what we eat plays a leading role in influencing the foundations of our children’s long term health.
Which nutrients should I prioritise in pregnancy?
Prenatal nutrition helps establish a healthy pregnancy, supporting both maternal health and foetal development. Fertility experts recommend a diet rich in:
Low mercury seafoodWhich is high in Vitamin D, Iodine and brain boosting Omega-3 fat- DHA.
Green leafy vegetables
Which are full of folate, as well as a range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which support general foetal health and development.
Lean meat
Full of protein- essential for foetal, placental and maternal tissue growth.
Which are packed full of most of the nutrients needed to support the nutritional demands of growing a baby. In particular, choline- which is needed for brain and cognitive development.
Plants from the sea are rich in iodine- an essential nutrient for foetal growth and development, as deficiency here has been associated with some congenital abnormalities.
Known as nature’s multivitamin, liver is rich in choline, iron, folate, B12 and almost every vitamin and mineral required for the healthy brain development of your growing baby.
Why does good nutrition matter Postpartum?
Postpartum is a raw, delicate mix of healing (for mother) and nourishment (for baby). And good nutrition can help with recovery, aid in milk production and support overall wellbeing. Some nutrients to consider include:
Present in breastmilk, this nutrient supports cognitive development while regulating moods in new mums.
Found in oysters, nuts, seeds and wholegrains, zinc strengthens immunity and supports postpartum recovery.
Known to support infant growth and brain development, dietary sources include seafood, seaweed, milk, yoghurt and cheese.
It’s worth considering a diet rich in vegetables, wholegrains, fruits, dairy, protein and good fats for well rounded support.
From pregnancy through to choosing your baby’s first foods, our children rely on us heavily to meet their nutritional needs. A nutrient dense diet from the very beginning lets us support the developmental demands of our children well into the future.